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Organized by the Institute of Experimental Physics,
University of Bialystok

under the auspices
of the Committee of Crystallography, Polish Academy of Sciences

This School is financially supported in part by
the International Union of Crystallography and the European Crystallographic Association


Solid-state thermal and photochemical reactions (Menahem Kaftory, Israel)


  • Solid-state thermal and photochemical reactions.

    Traditional chemical synthesis is carried out in the fluid media. However, the mobility of the molecules, which considered being an advantage for the reaction process, it also bears many disadvantages. Molecules in the solid-state is considered to be frozen and therefore not being able to react. However the ordered packing of molecules in the solid may, in many cases, be an advantage because it can lead to a very specific reactions yielding products that can not be obtained in other media. During the lecture a screening of interesting examples, of thermally or photochemically activated solid-state reactions, many from our own work will be shown. The advantages of study the reactions especially for the understanding of the relation between the structure and the reactivity will be emphasized. Problems associated with the study of such reactions will be discussed.